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Discover the fundamentals, legacy and influence of Bauhaus in this exploration of its casual approach to design, architecture, and modern art, highlighting key principles, notable figures, and its enduring impact on contemporary creative practices.
Discover the fundamentals, legacy and influence of Bauhaus in this exploration of its casual approach to design, architecture, and modern art, highlighting key principles, notable figures, and its enduring impact on contemporary creative practices.
about me
Hey! I'm Raphael Jokas, your visual designer buddy. I’m into graphic design, video, and capturing moments through photography. My journey’s been a wild ride—I've been a Graphic Designer, Art Director, Head of Design, and now I get to lead the Graphic Design School at SAEK ALFA. It’s pretty rad guiding over 100 talented students each year.
I’m super into typography and illustration, and I can do some pretty cool stuff with Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Premiere, and After Effects. Lately, I’ve been diving into Blender because, hey, why not keep the learning train rolling?
One of my favorite adventures has been building our whole online school at SAEK ALFA from the ground up with my colleagues. Video capturing, editing, organizing—it’s been a trip! Managing the school and vibing with so many students keeps me inspired and on my creative toes.
I’m all about learning—there’s so much out there, and the more I discover, the more I realize there’s still to explore. This keeps me curious, passionate, and always ready for the next creative challenge.
Right now, I’m looking to create some awesome designs with folks who are down to listen and collaborate. If that sounds like you, let’s make some magic happen!
When I’m not designing, you’ll find me geeking out over typography, getting messy with printing and linoprinting, or painting something cool. These hobbies sneak into my work, making each project uniquely me.
Thanks for dropping by my creative corner. Let’s chill and make something amazing together!
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